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AMRT on Arthiritic Dogs

When dealing with a dog's arthritis, pain relief is a major goal, since there is no cure for the condition. Pain relief may be achieved through conventional pharmaceuticals or through alternative therapies such as nutraceuticals and bowen therapy / acupuncture. Nutraceuticals, such as glucosamine, work to improve the functioning of the joints and, in so doing, also relieve pain. Because of the side effects associated with some drugs, many people choose to have their arthritic dogs treated with a...

July 19, 2013

Effect of Small injury to the rest of the body

The diagram below shows how a small injury can over time have a large knock on effect on Equine's body....

July 19, 2013

What is Myofascial Release and Trigger points in Equine and Canine ?

Fascia is a single structural entity that extends from the tip of the horse's ears to his feet and supports and envelops every organ of the body. A gelatinous substance in the normal state, fascia can become rigid and fibrous. It is elastic, but susceptible to shortening and forming fibrotic bands when subjected to chronic stress. It is piezoelectric, meaning that when pressured or stretched, it gives off electromagnetic signals. Fascia is richly endowed with nerve endings and produces pain of...

July 9, 2013

Importance of touch on animals and contra indications on manual therapy

The positive benefits of touch is not only reserved for humans alone. The sensitivity of horses to our touch now is widely recognized. A horse can feel the rider's subtle changes in body position right through the saddle. They easily detect tension in the handler and the emotional state of the rider. The therapist using manual techniques must be aware of the horse's response to tactile stimuli. As they say some people have the touch with animals. The therapist should have a complete knowledge of...

July 9, 2013

Trigger Points

Taken from Taber’s Medical Dictionary a trigger point or trigger zone is “an area of tissue that is tender when compressed and may give rise to referred pain and tenderness”. An active trigger point is ” A trigger point that is painful when the involved muscle is at rest. Palpation will reproduce the patient’s symptoms”. Latent trigger points are ” Trigger points that are not symptomatic when the involved muscle is at rest, but produce pain during palpation. Range of motion and str...

July 3, 2013

Changes on a horse who was exhibiting pain over Lumbar area and tight Fascia

An example of Animal Muscle Release Therapy  ...

June 29, 2013

Effects of ill fitting saddles

Every ill fitting saddle starts a spiral of pain. The horse moves in a different frame to avoid the pain caused by pressure points. The result is that other parts of the body get over worked or work improperly. A lot of horses tolerate pain for quite a long time and only start to show obvious behavior once a significant amount of damage has already been caused.Wasted muscle tissue can be seen:on each side of the withers, which means that the trapezius, spinalis and/or rhomboid muscles have...

June 29, 2013

Muscle damage is...

Muscle damage is undoubtedly the most common cause of back injury in the horse. This involves mainly the muscles that extend the back and flex the spine. Their primary role is to control the stiffness of the back. Strain or injury of these muscles occurs most frequently because of a slip, fall, or poorly executed jump. It might be caused through fatigue or inadequate fitness. Visible Signs are onset of poor performance often accompanied by a change of temperament; sometimes with local swelling...

June 22, 2013 Posts 26-33 of 33 | Page prev

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