A young horse's natural & skeletal development
June 27, 2014
I have recently been dealing with thoroughbreds and standardbreds that have got certain problems due skeletal formation of the equine. Thus, this blog is mostly for having an understanding of horse's skeletal development and primary causes of DOD and Wobbler's syndrome whic...
Cruciate Ligament tear in Dogs
April 17, 2014
Many dogs of all breeds and ages are affected by cruciate ligament injury where many have to turn to surgery.
The cruciate ligaments are two structures that run between the weight bearing surfaces of the stifle (knee) and help support thejoint of a dog. One ligament runs fro...
AMRTBowen TherapyTreatmentMuscle SpasmBack Pain in Equine / CanineEMRTEquine Manual TherapyMuscle TearCMRTCanine Manual therapyUncategorizedacupunctureill fitting saddlesArthritis in small animalsJoint Mobility in dogsanimalsManual Therapyback painhead shakinghorsesLactic AcidMuscle Releasepainsaddle fitTherapyacupressureAcupuncture & Muscle ReleaseAgitatingalternative medicinearthritisback pain neck and poll painback pain neck painbad shoeingBowen techniquechiropractordogsDomsEquidaysEquinefarrierFasciaFascia Releasefascial trainsfitnessfuelgrowth spurtshamstringheadheadachehealthholistic healthinjurymassagemeridian linesmisconceptionmuscle growthmuscle PainMuscle TensionmusclesMuscular back painneckNeurological IssuesnutritionPain reliefPerformancePhysiotherapypoll and neck painpoll painrelease therapyreleiving painSaddle fit issuesskeletal growthskeletal issuesspasmtraumaTreating Back Pain in animalsTreatment Head Shakingtricepsulcersvet