One of My Recent Neurological Head Shaking Cases
October 8, 2017
I wanted to share with you one of my neurological head shaking case studies and her progress with Acupuncture, Moxa, Muscle release and certain supplements that have helped diminish extent of the head shaking.
This particular case I met in June and the mare h...
Head Shaking in Horses
October 2, 2014
In the last few months I have had a few cases of head shakers. A lot of us do not really understand what the true meaning of a head shaker is, there are certainly different levels of head shaking and it is multi-factoral. What may have worked for someone else may not work on...
AMRTBowen TherapyTreatmentMuscle SpasmBack Pain in Equine / CanineEMRTEquine Manual TherapyMuscle TearCMRTCanine Manual therapyUncategorizedacupunctureill fitting saddlesArthritis in small animalsJoint Mobility in dogsanimalsManual Therapyback painhead shakinghorsesLactic AcidMuscle Releasepainsaddle fitTherapyacupressureAcupuncture & Muscle ReleaseAgitatingalternative medicinearthritisback pain neck and poll painback pain neck painbad shoeingBowen techniquechiropractordogsDomsEquidaysEquinefarrierFasciaFascia Releasefascial trainsfitnessfuelgrowth spurtshamstringheadheadachehealthholistic healthinjurymassagemeridian linesmisconceptionmuscle growthmuscle PainMuscle TensionmusclesMuscular back painneckNeurological IssuesnutritionPain reliefPerformancePhysiotherapypoll and neck painpoll painrelease therapyreleiving painSaddle fit issuesskeletal growthskeletal issuesspasmtraumaTreating Back Pain in animalsTreatment Head Shakingtricepsulcersvet